Abhyuday Facilities
Comfortable Bus Service
Abhyuday School provides school bus service to its students coming from the Kawardha city as well as near-by places. Special care is taken to train the driver and conductors. An assistant always accompanies students on bus.
Interactive Learning
Abhyuday campus has modern lab with 40 computers and with Wi-fi enabled, innovative Maths Lab and mutipurpose activity halls for music, dance, drama and theatre to provide a holistic development of a child.
Active Classrooms
The Classrooms are designed as the concept of "Active Classrooms" where the furniture, interiors and extended outdoor classrooms are designed to cater to various teaching methods adopted at Abhyuday.
Sports Facilities
Abhyuday has a dedicate play area for Kindergarten along with other indoor and outdoor facilities.
Education is the manifestation of the perfection already present in the person.
Swami Vivekanand Ji